Paula Păduraru
Katrina Krieke
Sophia Reedijk
Ivet Todorova

Mapping the User
- believe it or not we agreed on it -
Mapping the Collection
105 Interfaces
The testing of my protype was done by sending link to my testers. I could only get my hands on one preson that fit my user description. Because of only one tester fitting my description I chose to have 2 other people that have no connection the my collectionand user grouo to test my prototype. I sent a link to the prototype to my testers and had them test the app on their computers as the app was not working properly on their phone through the link.
Link of 3 testing videos:
General feedback about the prototype which can also been seen in the recodings, is the few bugs that appear. There were issues like random icons on the screen and different pages showing up when they shouldn't have been after a click on the screen.

Other feedback was the button to post your creationg wasn't clear enough,
instead it looked like a button asking you to upload your own image.

After watching the footage I realizes that only 1 person out of 3 made it to the post your creation page. This could be due to the camera button on my drawing board not being clear enough about where it leads. To user 2 who made it to my post page I noticed a little stutter between them getting to it and clicking the post button. They were trying to figure out what the page can actually do since it is just a prototype as things (comments, typing description, zoomin in/out map, camer) doesn't actually work.
I will edit the buttons to make them more clear.

One change will be to the camera button on the drawing board page. I want to make it more understandable that after you draw your art you should take a picture of the statue and share it.

Another change that I will make to my app is by bringing the focus on the social aspect of the app. I will add a small bubble that appears in the corners of the map showing what art has been posted recently and at what statue. Tapping the bubbles will allow you to see what the art is, who created it and where.

Another page that will be added is "Art similar to yours". This page will be found after you post your creation. It will show you the art made by other people that are on the same statue as well as those that use similar colors to yours.